University of California, San Diego (BS)
Account Analyst
Talent Solutions at LinkedIn
Don’t follow the crowd. There are always high reward opportunities available if you look hard enough.
Developing countries have untapped market potential. I see an opportunity to earn great returns and help the world economy grow. VestedWorld is a win for every party involved.
I invested in VestedWorld because I believe in its leadership and its goals.
I think they can be complimentary. I believe in responsible investing as well as targeted donations.
Sustainable high returns are the goal, but I fundamentally believe in making money from win win situations. Impact investing can be an important way to make sure your money is working efficiently and also serving a winning mission as well.
I’m concerned about my lack of knowledge about market conditions in certain developing countries. I’m choosing to address those concerns by letting VestedWorld conduct due diligence on the ground in countries where they understand the market conditions and cultural drivers in a much more granular way than I ever could.